Blog Posts Around America Costa Rica Photo Foto week #18 by Fabio Abbà|Published 26th September 2015-Updated 6th November 2015 Dal 19 Agosto al 26 Agosto: Si parte on the road, uscendo da Panama per il Costa Rica Trial version - Get License PANO 20150822 092022 IMG 20150822 182411 IMG 20150822 101309 IMG 20150823 123101 IMG 20150825 121412 IMG 20150822 101303 IMG 20150822 182420 IMG 20150825 121439 IMG 20150822 093354 IMG 20150825 121346 IMG 20150823 101743 IMG 20150826 094042 IMG 20150826 093744 IMG 20150826 153249 IMG 20150826 094030 IMG 20150826 132335 IMG 20150826 112809 IMG 20150826 153241 IMG 20150826 093200 IMG 20150826 132000 IMG 20150826 153554 IMG 20150826 121318 IMG 20150826 091849 IMG 20150826 112802 IMG 20150826 131945 IMG 20150826 121201 IMG 20150826 153617 IMG 20150826 153423 IMG 20150826 093732 IMG 20150826 153650 IMG 20150826 125101
Published 14th June 2018 Photos of Art Expressions of art captured during my travels, from murals to paintings and statues.
Published 17th August 2015 Cartagena e i caraibi colombiani Esiste una Cartegana in ogni parte del mondo ed il fascino del nome riporta ad antiche ed epiche battaglie studiate in una lontana vita scolastica.
Published 19th January 2016 Washington DC, la città museo Proseguiamo verso Sud, abbandonando Philly per visitare Washington DC, pochi giorni prima dall’ultimo discorso sullo stato dell’unione di Obama.